Grassy Greetings will announce your celebration! Our yard greeting includes a personalized phrase, delivery, set-up, & pick up. You are welcome to keep it an additional day for an additional charge. Coordinating graphics and stars, hearts, cupcakes, or sports equipment add the perfect finishing touch to your custom greeting!
Single Phrase Lawn Celebration Sign
– 12 to 16 feet with 2 rows
– within Mattoon
Additional phrase
Ex: “We Love you” added to a single phrase lawn celebration sign
Additional Day
Same Day orders
Mileage Charge
0 to 20 miles
41 to 50 miles
21 to 30 miles
51 to 60 miles
31 to 40 miles
ALL prices include set up and take down of your personalized lawn celebration sign as well as several graphics of your choosing, stars, hearts, balloons etc.

We accept major credit and debit cards. We will invoice you through QuickBooks, or we can make one of those other arrangements.